If you regularly switch between having Windows Vista Aero interface on and off you will quickly tire of the series of mouse clicks required to switch between the two.
With a little tweaking of the registry it’s possible to add options for switching the Aero interface on & off.
Warning – this tweak involves editing the Windows Registry, if you’re unsure about what you’re doing, please do not proceed. Chimpytech.com strongly recommends that you have a backup of your registry before you attempt this tweak, Chimpytech.com cannot accept any responsibility for damage to your system caused whilst attempting to implement this tweak.
- Click the Windows button and type in ‘Regedit‘ into the quick search box.
- Select the option for ‘Regedit‘ to run the Registry Editor.
- Navigate to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTDirectoryBackgroundShell & right click on the ‘Shell’ part.
- Click ‘New‘ from the menu, and select ‘Key‘, call the new key Aero On.
- Right click the Aero On key and create a new sub key called command.
- In the right hand pane of the editor, double click the command key and give it the value of Rundll32 dwmApi #102.
- Right click the Shell key again and click ‘New‘ from the menu, and select ‘Key‘ and call the new keyAero Off.
- Right click the Aero Off key and create a new sub key called command.
- In the right hand pane of the editor, double click the command key and give it the value of Rundll32 dwmApi #104.
- Close the editor, saving your changes when prompted.
- Now when you ‘right click’ on a blank part of the desktop you will see options in the context menu for switching Aero on or off.