Category: General

Test Your Internet Connection Speed

If you’re having problems with your internet speeds, and you think that the problem may be with the connection speed from your ISP it is always a good idea to do a speed test yourself before you contact your ISP to complain about your connection speed. Most people will not have access to a hardware […]

Disable Javascript In Firefox Version 23

The Mozilla organisation have just updated their Firefox browser to version 23 and one of the most controversial changes is the enabling of Javascript. In earlier versions of Firefox, Javascript can be easily disabled by selecting the appropriate option in the ‘Tools’ -> ‘Options’ menu With version 23 Firefox not only now enables Javascript by […]

Disable Java In Your Browser

Java’s going through a pretty tough time at the moment, it seems that hardly a week goes by without there being some new Java based exploit being announced, with the usual call from security researchers and tech gurus  to either uninstall Java completely or failing that, at least disable its use in the browser. We’ve […]

Top Ten Kindle Tips

The Amazon Kindle has become the ubiquitous portable eReader of choice in the last couple of years, partly because of the agressive pricing policy that Amazon have adopted, but also in no small part to the massive library available and the ease of which other devices such as phones and tablets can be turned into […]

Firefox Keyboard Shortcuts

Like all modern Windows based programs, Mozillas Firefox has a wide range of shortcut keys that can make using it a lot quicker and easier. There are quite a few here, and we wouldn’t expect anyone to remember them all, however just remembering a few of the ones you make use of frequently will greatly […]

Internet Explorer Shortcut Keys

Like all modern Windows based programs, Internet Explorer has a wide range of shortcut keys that can make using it a lot quicker and easier. There are quite a few here, and we wouldn’t expect anyone to remember them all, however just remembering a few of the ones you make use of frequently will greatly […]

Secure Your Data With TrueCrypt

Create Password for TrueCrypt Volume

UPDATE – On 29th may 2014 the developers of TrueCrypt announced that all support an development will cease with immediate effect.  At we believe that TrueCrypt can still offer the end user a good solution to keep data safe from casual prying eyes, however given the warnings and comments from the developers we urge […]

How To Delete Flash Cookies

In this post we will show you how to delete flash cookies, but firstly we need to ezplain what they are and why they are different from other cookies. In this age of increased awareness about our online security and privacy many people try to protect themselves by concientiously deleting their cookies periodically or even […]