Category: Windows 7

Change Desktop On Windows 7 Starter Edition

If you’ve bought a netbook since the launch of Microsoft Windows 7, you may well find that it has come installed with Windows 7 Starter Edition, which whilst being able to run all the same programs as standard versions of Windows 7, does have some features missing, one of which is the ability to perform […]

Add Checkboxes To Windows Explorer

If you do a lot of file manipulation in Windows 7 using the built in Microsoft Windows Exlporer interface then you will probably have needed to select multiple files that are not in a block. Previously the only way to achieve this was to hold down the ‘Control’ key whilst selecting the files you want, […]

Burning .ISO Images In Windows 7

With versions of Microsoft Windows prior to Windows 7 it has always been necessary to install a small (or sometimes not so small program) to provide the ability to burn CD’s or DVD’s from ISO images. Microsoft have now finally fixed this in Windows 7, and have actually made it incredibly simple to do. Simply […]