Customise The ‘Send To’ Menu

Most Windows users are familiar with the ‘Send to’ menu that appears when you right click on a file. This menu gives the option of sending the file to (or opening the file with) various programs. However, many people are unaware of the fact that with just a little effort it’s possible to modify the contents of this list to remove unwanted entries, and add more entries for useful programs.

The ‘Send to’ list is held in a folder called ‘sendto’ within each users profile, the easiest way to access the folder is to click the Start button, select Run and then type sendto into the dialog and click ‘OK‘. (If you want to do it the long way, or you have administrator rights on the PC you’re using and you want to change other users menu then open the ‘sendto‘ folder in each users ‘Documents and Settings‘ folder.)

When you’re presented with the screen shown below it’s just a simple matter of deleting any unwanted items by right clicking on them and selecting the delete option.

To add new shortcuts to programs or folders simply click the File menu, select New and then Shortcut and create a new shortcut in the normal manner, this will now be displayed in the ‘Send to’ list next time it’s selected.


Send To Menu