Like all modern Windows based programs, Internet Explorer has a wide range of shortcut keys that can make using it a lot quicker and easier. There are quite a few here, and we wouldn’t expect anyone to remember them all, however just remembering a few of the ones you make use of frequently will greatly improve your productivity.
[F1] – Opens the ‘Help’ screen.
[F4] – Display a list of addresses typed.
[F5] – Reload the current web page.
[F7] – Enable Caret Browsing.
[F11] – Toggle between normal mode and full screen mode.
[F12] – Open Internet Explorer Developer Tools.
[Down Arrow] – Scroll forwards line by line through the current web page.
[Up Arrow] – Scroll backwards line by line through the current web page.
[Page Down] – Scroll forwards page by page through the current web page.
[Page Up] – Scroll backwards page by page though the current web page.
[End] – Immediately scroll to the end of a web page.
[Home] – Immediately scroll to the start of a web page.
[Esc] – Stop loading the current page.
[Tab] – Move forward through the items on a webpage, or the menus etc. on the browser.
[Enter] – Activate a selected link.
[Shft]+[Tab] – Move backward through the items on a webpage, or the menus etc. on the browser.
[Shft]+[F10] – Display a shortcut menu for a link.
[Alt]+[Home] – Go to your home pages(s).
[Alt]+[Right Arrow] – Go to the next page (same as clicking the ‘forward’ button).
[Alt]+[Left Arrow] – Go to the previous page (same as clicking the ‘back’ button).
[Alt]+[Enter] – Open a new blank tab.
[Alt]+A – Open the Favourites menu from the menu bar
[Alt]+C – Close the Print Preview screen.
[Alt]+D – Select the text in the address bar.
[Alt]+H – Open the Help screen.
[Alt]+I – Display all feeds (When in Feed View)
[Alt]+J – Open the RSS menu.
[Alt]+L – Open the Safety menu.
[Alt]+M – Open the Home menu.
[Alt]+M – Mark a feed as Read (When in Feed View)
[Alt]+O – Open the Tools menu.
[Alt]+P – Open the Page menu.
[Alt]+R – Open the Print menu.
[Alt]+S – open the Safety menu.
[Alt]+S – Put the cursor in the search boc (When in Feed View)
[Alt]+T – Open the Tools menu.
[Alt]+U – Change paper properties when printing a page.
[Alt]+Z – Open the Add To Favourites menu.
[Ctrl]+[Tab] – Move between tabs.
[Ctrl]+[Tab] – Move forward through frames and browser elements – this only works when tabbed browsing is switched off.
[Ctrl]+[Shft]+[Tab] – Move backward through frames and browser elements – this only works when tabbed browsing is switched off.
[Ctrl]+[Shft]+P – Open a new InPrivate Browsing window.
[Ctrl]+[Shft]+T – Re-open the last closed tab.
[Ctrl]+[Click] – Open a link in a new background tab.
[Ctrl]+[Shft]+[Click] – Open a link in a new foreground tab.
[Ctrl]+[Shft]+[Del] – Delete all browsing history.
[Ctrl]+[Alt]+F4 – Close all tabs except the currently active tab.
[Ctrl]+[Enter] – Adds ‘www.’ to the beginning and ‘.com’ to the end of text typed into the Address bar.
[Ctrl]+A – Select all the objects on the current web page.
[Ctrl]+B – Open the Organise Favourites dialog box.
[Ctrl]+C – Copy selected items to the clipboard.
[Ctrl]+D – Add the current page to the Favourites menu.
[Ctrl]+E – Open the search box.
[Ctrl]+F – Open the ‘Find on this page’ search box.
[Ctrl]+H – Open the web browsing history list.
[Ctrl]+I – Open the Favourites menu.
[Ctrl]+J – Open the Feeds menu.
[Ctrl]+K – Duplicate the current tab in a new tab.
[Ctrl]+N – Open a new window.
[Ctrl]+O – Open a new web page.
[Ctrl]+P – Print the current web page (or frame).
[Ctrl]+S – Save the current web page.
[Ctrl]+V – Insert the contents of the clipboard at the current cursor location.
[Ctrl]+W – Close the current tab.
[Ctrl]+W – Close the current window when there is only one tab open.
[Ctrl]+X – Cut the current items and copy them to the clipboard.
[Ctrl]+Any number between 1 & 8 – Switch the correspondingly numbered tab.
[Ctrl]+9 – Switch to the last tab.
[Ctrl]+[Plus Sign] – Increase zoom by 10%.
[Ctrl]+[Minus Sign] – Decrease zoom by 10%.
[Ctrl]+[Zero] – Reset zoom to 100%.