Shortcut Keys for Windows 10 Apps

Windows 10 includes a whole host of ‘Apps’ that come pre-installed as part of the Operating System. As with almost any Windowed style interface the key to getting the most out of it is to learn some useful keyboard shortcuts.

Below is a list of thw Windows 10 shortcut keys for the most commonly used built in Apps, for shortcuts for the operating system, please see our article – Windows 10 Shortcut Keys.

This article covers shortcuts for:

  • Paint
  • Photos
  • Reader
  • Remote Desktop
  • Windows Journal
  • Wordpad


Press ThisTo Do This
Ctrl+ASelect the entire picture
Ctrl+BSelect Bold tect
Ctrl+CCopy selection to the clipboard
Ctrl+EOpen the Properties dialog box
Ctrl+GHide / Show Gridlines (Toggle option)
Ctrl+ISelect Italic text
Ctrl+NCreate a new blank picture
Ctrl+OOpen an existing picture
Ctrl+POpen Print Dialog
Ctrl+RShow / Hide the ruler
Ctrl+SSave changes
Ctrl+UUnderline the selected text
Ctril+VPaste from the Clipboard
Ctrl+Wdisplay the 'Resize and Skew' dialog box
Ctrl+XCut the selection
Ctrl+YRedo a cange
Ctrl+ZUndo a change
Ctrl + Minus SignReduce the width of a brush, line or shape by one pixel.
Ctrl + Plus SignIncrease the width of a brush, line or shape by one pixel.
Ctrl + Page DownZoom out one step
Ctrl + Page UpZoom in one step
F10Display Keytips
F11View picture in full screen mode
F12Open the 'Save As' dialog box
Right ArrowMove the selection right one pixel
Left ArrowMove the selection left one pixel
Up ArrowMove the selection up one pixel
Down ArrowMove the selection down one pixel
Shift + F10Show the shortcut menu


Press ThisTo Do This
Ctrl + CCopy
Ctrl + LLock the screen
Ctrl + POpen the Print Dialog
Ctrl + R (View or Edit mode)Rotate Photo
Ctrl + SSave the file.
Ctrl + Y (in Edit mode)Redo changes
Ctrl + Z (In Edit mode)Undo changes
Ctrl + / (In Edit mode)View original image
Ctrl + Plus SignZoom in when viewing a photo
Ctrl + Minus SignZoom out when viewing a photo
Ctrl + 0 (Zero)Reset zoom
Ctrl + Arrow KeysMove the crop or selective focus areas
Arrow Keys (In Collection mode)Scroll up, down, left or right
Arrow Keys (On a zoomed photo)Move within the photo
Spacebar (In Collection mode)Select an item and enter Selection Mode
Spacebar (In View mode)Show or hide commands
Spacebar (In Video Mode)Play / pause the video
EscReturn to the previous screen
Alt + EnterView file information
E (In View mode)Enhance a photo
Shift + Arrow keysResize crop area
F5 (In View mode)Start a slideshow
[Win] +HOpen the Share Charm
Enter (In Selection mode)Select an item
Left / Right Arrow KeysShow the next or previous item


Press ThisTo Do This
F7Use Keyboard Selection mode
F8Use two page layout
Ctrl + WClose the current document
Ctrl + RRotate the current document 90 degrees clockwise
Ctrl + PPrint the current document
Ctrl + ODisplay the 'Open File' dialog
Ctrl + MGo to the Reader home page
Ctrl + FSearch for text


Remote Desktop
Press ThisTo Do This
Ctrl+Alt+InsertScroll Screen
Ctrl+Alt+Left or Right ArrowSwitch Between Sessions
Ctrl+Alt+Up or Down ArrowDisplay the session selection bar
Ctrl+Alt+homeView connection options in Full Screen Mode


Windows Journal
Press ThisTo Do This
Ctrl + ASelect all items on the page
Ctrl + CCopy a selection to the clipboard
Ctrl + FSearch for text
Ctrl + GCreate a new page
Ctrl + NStart a new note
Ctrl + OOpen a recently used note
Ctrl + PPrint a note
Ctrl + SSave changes to a note
Ctrl + VPaste a selection from the clipboard
Ctrl + XCut a selection
Ctrl + YRedo a change
Ctrl + ZUndo a change
Ctrl + Shift + CDisplay a shortcut menu for column headings in a note list
Ctrl + Shift + VMove a note to a specific folder
F5Refresh the note list
F6Toggle between a note list and a note
F11View a note in full screen mode
Alt + F4Close a note and its journal window


Press ThisTo Do This
Ctrl + ASelect all text
Ctrl + BMake selected text bold (or turn on bold if no text selected)
Ctrl + CCopy a selection to the clipboard
Ctrl + DInsert a drawing / picture file
Ctrl + ECentre align selected text
Ctrl + FSearch for text
Ctrl + HSearch & replace text
Ctrl + IItalicise selected text
Ctrl + JJustify selected text
Ctrl + LLeft align selected text
Ctrl + NCreate a new document
Ctrl + OOpen an existing document
Ctrl + PPrint the current document
Ctrl + RRight align selected text
Ctrl + SSave the current document
Ctrl + UUnderline selected text
Ctrl + VPaste a selection from the keyboard
Ctrl + XCut a selection
Ctrl + YRedo a change
Ctrl + ZUndo a change
Ctrl + Right ArrowMove the cursor one word to the right
Ctrl + Left ArrowMove the cursor one word to the left
Ctrl + Up ArrowMove the cursor to the start of the previous line.
Ctrl + Down ArrowMove the cursor to the start of the next line
Ctrl + HomeMove the cursor to the start of the document
Ctrl + EndMove the cursor to the end of the document
Home Move the cursor to the start of the current line
EndMove the cursor to the end of the current line
Page DownScroll the screen down one page
Page UpScroll the screen up one page
Ctrl + =Change selected text to subscript
Ctrl + Shift + =Change selected text to superscript
Ctrl + Shift + AChange characters to all capitals
Ctrl + Shift + LChange the bullet style
Ctrl + Shift + >Increase font size in one point steps
Ctrl + Shift + <Decrease font size in one point steps
Ctrl + DeleteDelete the word to the right of the cursor
Ctrl + 1Set line spacing to 'Single'
Ctrl + 2Set line spacing to 'Double'
Ctrl + 5Set line spacing to '1.5'
Alt + F4Close Wordpad
Shift + F10Show the current shortcut menu.
F3Open the 'Find' dialog box
F10Display keytips
F12Open the 'Save As' dialog box