One of the improvememnts Microsoft made with Edge was to make it easier to view browsing history without having to resort to all manner of tricks as you would have to do with previous browsers. Why would you want to view browsing history? The ability to view browsing history can be useful in a couple […]
The ability to write protect a disk in Windows 10 is something that is very useful, and is actually a lot easier to achieve than most people realise. So why would you want to write protect a disk? Maybe you have a USB stick with important files on it you don’t want to lose. You […]
Aero Snap was a feature first introduced in Windows Vista, and has been refined in subsequent Windows versions. Aero Snap feature is one that many users will like as it will allow them to organise multiple Windows on screen very easily. However, as with most features, not everyone will like it. Fortunately it’s quite easy […]
By default Microsoft Edge will save any files it downloads to the location %UserProfile%/Downloads. This is usually fine for most users, and should they wish to keep the files in a different location then it’s easy enough to drag them to the appropriate place. However if you regularly download files and copy them to somewhere else then […]
Sometimes when using SD Card or USB drives for anything other than simple file storage (for instance in a Raspberry Pi, or as a live Linux drive) the card or drive can become re-partitioned or corrupted in a manner that the normal windows disk management tools can’t recover. Fortunately with a little digging around in […]
In versions of Microsoft Windows up to and including Windows 7 the preferred and indeed for most home users the only way to log in to your computer was with a Local Account, however with the advent of Windows 8 and then Windows 10 Microsoft having been starting to push the concept of a ‘Microsoft […]